This guide is related to the previously published article - How To: Flash firmware package on the HTC device. The goal of this guide is to expose the problem of a matching firmware version for the particular HTC device. Please read it carefully and in case of any questions leave a proper comment in the comments section at the end of this article.
Every has 2 main attributes: modelid (MID) and cidnum (CID).
- MID contains a codename of your device. For example the "0P6B1000" is the international version of the HTC One M8, while the "0P6B13000" is the T-Mobile U.S. version of the HTC One M8.
- CID is the carrier software codename. For example the "HTC__J15" code represents the unbranded international version of the HTC One M8, while the "T-MOB010" code represents the T-Mobile U.S. software. Different CID numbers are usually used for mobile operators to include different regional settings, languages or to include some extra software (Wi-Fi Calling, Visual Voice Mail etc.).
Both MID and CID can be found in the android-info.txt inside each This is how android-info.txt looks like (as an example I used from the international version of the HTC One M8):
Once you know the version of the firmware you have, you need to check if your device can be safely flashed with that particular To check that:
- Download this mini-sdk package and extract it to c:\mini-sdk
- Connect your device to the PC
- Boot your device in fastboot mode (vol down + power ===> fastboot)
- Open a command prompt on the PC (cmd.exe), type and confirm each command with ENTER:
- cd /d c:\mini-sdk
- fastboot getvar all
This is an example output from the international version of the HTC One M8:
What you are looking for is the "modelid" and "cidnum".
- If your device is S-ON then both modelid and cidnum must match.
- If your device is S-OFF then modelid is critical to match, but cidnum can be changed either by changing CID of your device or by editing android-info.txt.
- Edited can't be flashed on the S-ON device.
- If your device is S-ON then you can't downgrade your current firmware version.
If both CID and MID numbers match you can safely flash the package - How To: Flash firmware package on the HTC device.
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