In Cyber world Fingerprint scanning refers to gather all the information about your target which could play a vital role to achieve your target And indeed information gathering is the first step which a great hacker took,s before hacking his target.

There are many tools to gather the information about your target but there is one little tool which i love the most because of its efficiency and accurate results , it helps me to gather not all but almost the information which i am looking for.
 The name of that tool is " WhatWeb " what web is a great tool written in python and come,s pre-loaded in kali linux operating system.

To check its options , open your terminal in kali linux and type the below command 
 Now this will give you all the options so you can make use of it in advance way. To simply scan the fingerprints of a website you can type the command as mentioned below
 Now this will display all the possible information which this tool collected such as HTTPserver ,  type , cms type , ip , title , country , operating system.

Wait Lets go to a bit advance mode and collect more juicy information using this tool for this you can type the command relative to the one which is mentioned below.
whatweb -a 3
Now this command will give you more information of the server , website in depth such as version of cms , version of apache , etc

Hacking is an art , it depends on you how creative you are so try out your best to achieve your target because nothing is impossible and i always say that " Behind every secured system there is a hand of Hacker "

Remember me in your prayer , your loving Ahmed Mehtab

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