How to hijack drone Iran Hijacks the Drone,s United States Military Drone was Hijacked by Iran Hijack Israel drone spy drones

In 2011  when Iran hijacked United states military spy drone and grabbed the attention of the world toward itself and I must say that human potential is every where but the main thing is to utilize that human potential and that,s what Iran did in recent past years. They used their youth and human potential very positively and actively and as the time passed Iran also progressed with time.

        As every country have some golden collection of hackers which are talented but only few countries are in the world which utilize their talent in the way which it should be and Iran also did this by using their golden group of hackers into the Cyber Defense and provided them facilities and groomed them like a diamond.

In 2011 When Iranian hackers claimed to take down the US military Drone by taking control of it , in simple words hijacked the drone and later they hijacked many of drones specially some Israeli drones and also in 2014 in this year Iranian Hackers take down one more Israeli Drone as reported by Iranian press and posted on Defense Forum of Pakistan.

The Question which arises is ,

How Iran is Hijacking Drones ? 
  To Understand this you must have the knowledge of some of the basics.

1. How United States or Israeli GPS Drone Fly,s ? 

The GPS drones as mentioned by its name GPS Drone ( Global Positioning system ) Flys and are controlled by the GPS Signals and there are controlled by the Military Drone controlling station which sends signals to the satellite and after satellite send the signal to Drone and thats how it get controlled .

  1. There are two types of GPS Signals 
    • Military Based GPS Signals 
    • Public GPS Signal,s 

    In the Picture above the Left Side yellow one is the Military Based GPS Signal and the Right One is Public based GPS signal And Military Based GPS signal is only for military and no one can use it but except military And Military drone uses the Military based GPS signal not public one.

    What Actually Iranian Hacker,s did 

    Iranian Hackers used GPS Jammer,s and first of all they cut the signal of the drone from their GPS Jammer and the US Military Drone was unable to get the GPS signal.

    After when drone was neutral in the air they sent their spoofed GPS Signal ( Public GPS Signal )  to the the Drone and after the drone just accepted their spoofed GPS Signal and Iranian hacker,s took control of that drone and easily landed that drone safely.

    As you can see in the above picture the Blue signal,s correspond to the Military Signal,s which are also encrypted and the Red Signal,s reefer to the public signal,s and they just decreased the military signal near to point 1 or point 2 or even zero and after they just sent their powerful spoofed gps signal,s to intercept the drone.

    Can You Hijack Now a days using the same method ? 
        You Can hijack any 3rd party drone or any other country drone which is vulnerable to exploit but you cant hijack the US military Drone now from this method and the reason is that after the US military drone was hijacked by the Iraian hackers they have patched the black hole exploits like they have increased the GPS signal ratio by 5x and also they have mod their drone like if anyone try,s to hijack the drone by jaming the military GPS Signal or if the drone got his signal,s Jammed then the drone has the ability to fly back to the point from where it was taken off to the air using the route by going in reverse direction.

    Below are some of the pictures of drones which are hijacked by Iran.


    Israeli Advance Spy Drone 

    Israeli Spy Drone

    Now a days Iran is also hijacking some advance military spy drones which are not yet patched i think like recently a month before iran hijacked the upper one israeli drone.

    Iran has also taken step to teach their children,s how to hijack a drone and yet they are now every collage student about the drone hijacking and self defense.

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